
Student Life and Development

College is more than just classes - Get Involved at A-B Tech!


A-B Tech's Department of Student Life and Development works to create a dynamic, inclusive, and collaborative college community environment. The department provides opportunities for personal enrichment, leadership development, and civic engagement, and supports co-curriculum education outside the classroom. Student Life & Development offers events and programming that provide enriching and transformative experiences for students. The Student Life offices are located in the Coman Student Center. We can be reached at (828) 398-7594 or (828) 398-7203. For more information, follow us on .

Student Perks and Discounts



Upcoming Activities


Student Government Association


Frequently Asked Questions


For more information on how to get involved, please visit the Upcoming Events page or contact:

Tyra Syverson, Student Life Coordinator

Michele Hathcock, Director, Title IX Compliance and Student Life Development


All student activities are financed through the activity fee paid by each day student. Here are a few of the resources, services, and activities provided:

  • Fall Festival
  • 91°µÍø Partnership Programs
  • Diversity Awareness Programs
  • Earth Day Celebration
  • Dean’s and President’s List Ceremonies
  • Academic Awards Ceremony
  • Commencement Activities
  • Clubs – 18 co-curricular and general interest clubs and societies
  • Student Handbook and Calendar
  • Co-Curricular Outings – class trips to museums and plays
  • Student Membership to the Smith-McDowell House (on the A-B Tech 91°µÍø Campus)
  • Wellness brochures around campus
  • Student Government Association Services
  • Discounted 91°µÍø Transit Passes
  • Student Health Clinic supplies

Your Suggestions Matter

Student suggestions have impacted the college in the following ways:

  • The college now hosts wireless Internet hotspots throughout campus
  • The vending machines have less junk food and more healthy options
  • The college built a covered bus shelter outside of the Simpson building
  • More resources have been made available on the website
  • The college has installed more bike racks around the campus
  • Traffic calming speed bumps and pedestrian crossing signs have been added to A-B Tech roads

Do you have a comment or suggestion about how we can improve your experience at A-B Tech? All students are invited to attend Student Government Association meetings in the Ferguson Auditorium. Dates are listed in the Student Handbook & Calendar, as well as on the Student Government page. A different discussion topic is brought to the table at each meeting.

You may also drop off comments, concerns, or questions you would like to voice at the SGA office in the Coman Student Activity Center. You can also email them to sga@abtech.edu, or call the SGA office at (828) 398-7205.