
Information Technology

Technology and computers are needed to store information, communicate, work, learn, entertain, and play... and the technology used constantly evolves. Businesses and organizations use hardware, computer networks, systems, data, and software for all aspects of their business operations including running their business, marketing themselves, and communicating with others. Who’s responsible for all this technology?

Workers in the information technology (IT) industry develop and maintain the hardware, software, and systems that make our lives easier, and they fix and help us use these tools. According to , "North Carolina’s information technology (IT) jobs have increased 17% since 2013, ranking among the top ten states for IT growth in the nation."

Information Technology careers are as diverse as the technology used and the ways we use technology. Our goal is to prepare you for this ever-changing field by providing a foundation in technical skills and specific industry skills in the programs we offer.  


Core Skills

The following core skills are necessary for success in these occupations.

  • Soft-skills - communication and client support
  • Organization - efficiency and organization of ideas and systems
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills - finding logical solutions to problems frequently
  • Project Management - Managing multiple projects at the same time
  • Perseverance - Finding solutions to difficult tasks with ever-changing technology
  • Resourcefulness - Finding solutions requires research and finding answers
  • Technical Curiosity - Enjoyment in learning new technical things... constantly
  • Interest in Helping Others - Almost every technology job involves helping people
  • Creativity - Finding unique solutions to unique problems


Programs of Study

We offer multiple programs, including: 

  1. Computer Engineering: prepares students to use basic engineering principles and technical skills for installing, servicing, and maintaining computers, peripherals, networks, microprocessors, and computer-controlled equipment.
  2. Information Technology: Information Systems: prepare individuals for employment as help-desk technicians, hardware support, database managers, and more in this flexible curriculum.
  3. Information Technology: Network Management: prepares individuals for employment supporting network infrastructure environments as network system administrators. Additionally, graduates may also be qualified to take certification examinations for various network industry certifications.
  4. Information Technology: Software and Web Development: prepares individuals as front-end and back-end software and web developers.
  5. Information Technology: Systems Security: prepares individuals to implement and manage effective security controls. Additionally, graduates will acquire the skills that allow them to pursue security certifications.
  6. Digital Media Technology: prepares students for the creative field with skills in graphic design, web design/development, animation, audio/video, and more.

