
Education & Training

Lifelong learning is a phrase that we often hear. Finishing high school and other required training is the first step toward getting a job, and keeping our jobs often requires that we continue to update our skills. To meet these ongoing training needs, education options have broadened to include online training. Technology like electronic textbooks, notebooks, and smart boards support classroom innovations while also requiring educators to upgrade their technology skills and teaching techniques.

Most occupations in the Education and Training cluster require at least a bachelor’s degree, with many postsecondary teaching professionals holding a doctoral or professional degree. Occupations likely to grow the most over the next 10 years are likely to include elementary and secondary school teachers as well as teacher assistants. College-level health specialties teachers occupy the top position for highest estimated percentage increase in jobs.

Schedules for education workers vary by work setting. Preschool through high school employees work directly with students for approximately eight hours and often devote additional time at home to grading papers and planning lessons. Before and after-school workers’ schedules revolve around times when students aren’t in class, and coaches may work directly with students for hours beyond the usual class schedule. Industries that tend to offer many jobs for workers in this cluster include public and private schools, colleges and universities, and daycare centers.


Core Skills

The following Core Skills are necessary for success in these occupations.

  • Learning Strategies - Using the best training or teaching strategies for learning new things
  • Instructing - Teaching people how to do something
  • Writing - Writing things for co-workers or customers
  • Speaking - Talking to others
  • Active Learning - Figuring out how to use new ideas or things
  • Reading Comprehension - Reading work-related information
  • Systems Evaluation - Measuring how well a system is working and how to improve it
  • Active Listening - Listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
  • Monitoring - Keeping track of how well people and/or groups are doing in order to make improvements
  • Social Perceptiveness - Understanding people's reactions


Fields of Study in Education & Training